03-2015 The only single-seater F2 Marcadier built ( in 1979 for the late Riger Rivoire) will be out in this year's French National Hillclimb Historic Championship.

After a great season in 1979, interrupted by a traffic accident suffered by Rivoire, it has been in constant use in regional events in the hands of successive owners Elie Carrier and Claude Seignbos, equipped with a more modest Ford 1600cc BDA engine.

Since 1985 it has been campaigned by Michel Champelovier, from the Drome region. He has had a competition licence for 52 years and has racked up 170 wins in that time. He has used it in Slaloms, a discipline requiring great driving skills.

After having been restored to F2 status and received its FFSA papers it will be returning to the hills, where it began its career. Michel is really motivated: his first event: Bagnols Sabran on 28th March.

Picture by G.Gamand
Picture by A.Roumanet