05-2015 Rene Carre's Barzoi was on the FFVE ( French Federation of Historic Vehicles) stand at theshow of Reims (belles champenoises) .

Rene, an airline pilot who, in his spare time, is active on the historic scene, acquired it in 2010, and has given it a complete restoration.

He has rolled back the years, having assembled several Marcadier kits more than 30 years ago.

This car has a chequered history, having been used as a test bed in a school for mechanics. 'Butchering' included an attempt to turn it from its original central engine location into a rear-engined model!

It has been reunited with its correct Renault 8 Gordini engine and its proper rear deck, which had been modified.

As for colour, after several trials an Alpine metallic blue, with a grey stripe, was selected: it suits the car very well.